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The 6 best motivational letters from our students

Carlo Alberto Saccogna, 3 C

Dear Erasmus Staff,
The “Erasmus Project” has immediately intrigued me by the possibility of interfacing with other cultures and to know lifestyle, social and cultural context.
I would like to know Croatian cinema and the most popular genre, if there are award prizes that are entrusted to actors, directors and those who work backstage.

“Erasmus” give me the possibility to know Spaniard, Croatian, Pole, a subject and program scholastic, if they use a different social network, and imagine the possibility to move in another city in the future for a job.
I’m curious to visit buildings in Zagreb, Oktagon Gallery, Mimara Museum, places of worship as Catholic Cathedral, Orthodox Cathedral and Synagogue and in particular St Mark’s Church, that is defined a symbol of Zagreb for decorated ceiling with symbol of Croatia, Dalmazia and Slovenia.
I would like to know eating habits, local cuisine, what think a Croatian to our Italian culture, a type of instrument they play and what musical genre they listen.
I’m curious to know what they think of European Projects and European Union, I would explain our culture, our desires and our future ambitions.
I could give my testimony about how study, teach Italian language, our education and leave my best remind.
In conclusion, I think that this opportunity allows me to grow up as a person, my objective is to achieve cultural and professional growth and new friendships.
Thanks in advance to opportunity and consideration.
Carlo Alberto

Claudia Magaletti, 3 A

Dear Erasmus Staff,
Why would I partecipate in the ERASMUS+ Project?
Well, because, for sure, it’ll be a unique and very exciting school experience.
I don’t know if my motivations are actually valid, but I guess that the Erasmus project is like a BIG FAMILY and I’d like to be part of it.
A big “STEP FAMILY” based on respect for traditions, uses, habits and freedom to express oneself in a language, English, understood by everyone from different countries.
A family in which we can express our personality regardless of our skin color, our religion and our age, sharing our experiences, moments and projects.
Finally, a family in which we could merge our ideas even if they are different. In one project and for one single goal, that is to say to grow up all together in the spirit of internationality and active participation. It will be a personal growth that cannot be compared to the other previous experiences, in fact I will grow up not only as a European citizen, but also as a person and certainly this experience will teach me to become more flexible and adaptable to the new situations I will face in my life.
Of course,I will not forget the friends left in Capurso, because I will make sure to fill a bucket with all my experiences, feelings, emotions, anecdotes and even photos that I will share with all my friends so that no one could feel excluded.
Taking part in the Erasmus project will be a BIG step for me as a European citizen.
Claudia Magaletti

Stefano Pulignano, 3 A

Dear Erasmus Staff,
I'm writing to let you know you that I would like to take part in the Erasmus project.
If I am chosen, I'll go to Zagabria, in Croatia, with other students of my school.
It may be a big opportunity for me: first of all, I'll visit the city, see its monuments and compare me with other people who have different traditions, culture, language and food.
I'll also learn how to acclimatize to a new place, to learn to use English better and to talk to people that don't speak my language. These things will be useful in the future
if I travel or I go to study abroad.
I'll make Croatian friends, too, and I might keep in touch with them after my return to Italy. And last but not least, I'll enjoy myself, and I'll have a lot of good memories to tell.
So, I’d like to be chosen.
Best regards,
Stefano Pulignano

Luca Buono, 3 C

Dear Erasmus Staff,
I write this letter because I want to explain the motivations to participate at the Erasmus Project.
In a first time, I didn’t sure, but following, I think that this possibility allow me to visit a new city and be indipendent to my family that sometimes they prevent me from making choices alone and slowing my growth.
This experience, allow for resolve problem alone and open mental agility.
I will be free and responsability on myself without my parents, and living togheter other boys and girls.
I’m enthusiast because I will speak other language, I will learn to know my values and defects, overcome my insecurity.
I would to know other culture, habits and cuisine.
I’m certain that this experience grow my person and my language.
I hope to reveal my thought and I’ m waiting for your answer and if this desire will come true.
Luca Buono

Monica Del Core, 3 B

Dear Erasmus Staff,
This year our school has given third-year students, the opportunity to participate in the intercultural exchange of the two-year "Erasmus Plus" project, which regards four European countries (Italy, Spain, Croatia and Poland), and to take part, it's necessary to write an anonymous motivation letter in which to list the reasons why you want to be chosen.
I would like to join the project very much because I consider it a real asset for the students, who will have the opportunity to live an experience out of the ordinary routine, and for the whole school, which will gain positive opinions and positive feedbacks about the involvement in the project.
In my case, it would be the first trip abroad, the first opportunity to visit and see with my eyes places, streets, squares and architectural structures very different from those I'm used to looking from the back of a car window or on a computer screen; it would be one of the greatest opportunities to make new friend with boys and girls from different places with whom later I could share my deepest thoughts, feelings and emotions. It would also be a good opportunity to learn new languages, cultures and customs and to teach foreign students Italian culture and language.
I would really like to participate in the project because this experience would remain in my heart for all my life and in the future I would have the opportunity to encourage the students who will attend third-year classes to try to take part in future projects that will take place in the school context; I would be very grateful if I were chosen but if not, I could still say that I tried and maybe I’ll try again on another occasion, after all you never know what could happen in life.

Ilaria Laterza, 3 D

Dear Erasmus Staff,
You know me, but today I'd like to add that I have a special wish: a great desire to discover the world. When I heard about the “Erasmus” project I thought that somebody read my mind.
I already know that life will lead me to live with people and in places that are different from those I know, but I did not believe that this opportunity would have come so soon.
I've lived in Capurso since I was born but I like considering myself a citizen of the world, a girl who is curious to meet, to know, to explore.
Everyday I try to be a better person towords my brother, my parents, my neighbours, the greengrocer.
If there is a classmate who needs help, I help him, if there is a paper on the ground, I pick it up , also trying to separate waste if possible.
My parents have taught me to give up the seat, if someone needs it, to smile at everyone, to be sunny and polite, and to find the positive side of things. They have also taught me that good comes to those who do good.
I would like to visit my Somali sister, my parents adopted at a distance and,why not? take her to Italy to let her know my life, my friends, my country.
I would like to meet other young people with different cultures, customs, languages, and laugh with them about misunderstandings, my hand gestures, perplexed looks on my face about words I don't understand.
I would like to understand how life is, far away from here, whether Croatian, Polish or Spanish students feel the same emotions and feelings as a thirteen- year old girl in Capurso.
I would like to live this experience away from home, it will help make me really understand who I am and how far I can get.
It’s true, I’m probably a dreamer but if one does not dream ,how does he know what he has to achieve in life?!!
Please, help me fulfil my dream, help me learn to fly alone, with my wings, in this great sky called Europe.
Kind regards,

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